Sonia Poynter is a professional freelance writer for hire, blogger, and author. She writes books with a common thread of wonder. She found that golden string under the crumpled leaves of her favorite tree when she was but a child, since then she has been unraveling it and weaving it onto the pages of her books. Her first book, The Last Stored, was published in 2015 with Anaiah Press. Since then she has gone on to write many other manuscripts and articles.

Her vivid imagination often got her into trouble throughout school, but as an adult, she learned to cultivate that creativity into world-building, and storytelling. For more than twenty years, she worked with teens and young adults as a youth leader, speaker, camp organizer, event planner, and homeschooling teacher. She is a mother of three children and married to her high school sweetheart. At the age of five, her son was diagnosed with autism, which ultimately led her to homeschool all their children. Now grown, she often advises others on how to navigate the tricky waters of raising kids with autism. Their oldest teaches in China, and the youngest is a CBS TV reporter, while her son surpassed even her goals by marrying the love of his life, workes as a receiving manager, and the couple has a baby boy.
She has written many books, owned her own small cleaning and organizing business, and writes about being a mom of an autistic son while juggling school, writing, work, caring for her elderly mother, and traveling.
Founding member of YANA Sisterhood where she published many writing how-to articles
Semifinalist in Pitch Wars 2017
Attended Midwest Writers Workshop Intensive 2016
Attended WriteOnCon 2017
Member of American Christian Fiction Writers
Launch member of Querying Authors Facebook group
Guest Posts for Numerous Blogs