How to Set a Goal and Keep It

It’s 2020! Let me say that again… it’s 2020! Lands sake ya’ll we are in the ’20s!
I remember sitting in my eighth-grade class writing a letter to myself to open in the year 2000. That seemed like a lifetime away, and indeed it was. But ya’ll 2000 was twenty years ago. **Head smack.** When you are fourteen, twenty years is a mythical place with flying cars, space travel, chocolate cake without calories. However, when you sail past thirty-eight, twenty years is a blink. Back then my goals were to get through PE, not to actually set and keep a goal.
Let’s Talk Goal Setting

After all, a goal without a plan is just a wish!
Now that thirty-eight is far, far in my rear-view mirror, let’s talk about how I set goals and keep them! Goals aren’t wishes, they are real tangible plans.
I’ll say it a little simpler – for a goal to succeed it needs a plan!
When I first goal set, I ask myself three questions:
- What do I want?
- Why do I want it?
- What is holding me back?
1. What do you want?
Be specific! Name it. Don’t have some foggy dream or shadowy idea. Make it concrete. It could be as simple as organizing your grandma’s and mom’s handwritten recipes to as elaborate as writing a book from start to finish.

HA! Word of advice if you intend to write a book, I’ll just let you know that it is both addictively fun and torturous at the same moment. Just grow some super thick skin and be prepared to cry alone in your office while your dog looks at you with a puzzled expression.
2. Why do you want it?
What will you gain? How will your life change if your goal is achieved? Go ahead and dream a little – for me, this is a big motivation. You could go so far as to build a Pinterest Board, OneNote Binder, a cut and paste poster, or simply write it down.
3. What is holding you back?
What obstacles will you face? How can you overcome those deterrents? Obstacles will come, whether it’s a lack of motivation (internal) or lack of time (external), but they will come. Let’s face it, if our goals were simple we would have already achieved them!
Make a Plan

You have your specific goals. I keep mine fairly short limiting them to three personal and three professional. It’s easier for one to hyper-focus on their goals if there isn’t a laundry list. Hey, if you achieve your goal earlier than intended then go ahead and add a new goal. Next, take those goals and break them down into small workable tasks.
- Goal – Let’s say you want to lose twenty pounds.
- Why do you want to lose twenty pounds? Do you have a wedding, reunion, vacation? Do you want to be healthier? Do you want to maybe get your diabetes under control? Last year, I lost 36 lbs, got my diabetes under control, and I feel freaking great!!
- What is holding me back? I like sugar. Chocolate cake to be specific. Hey, there’s a reason I’m a diabetic! So instead of cutting out cake entirely, I joined the gym and went five times a week focusing on cardio and strength training. I began logging my meals by using an app called Lose It. I used the free version – super simple and easy to use! I stopped eating after 7:30 pm, I used small plates and started eating a lot healthier. I’m in the best shape of my life right now, my back which had bothered me for years feels great, plus my heart is thanking me!
Go for It! Take Action
- Break Down Goals into Small Tasks
- Create a Game Plan
- Tackle One Small Task at a Time
- Revisit your goals weekly or monthly. Adjust if you need to!
So, what are my goals for 2020?

Research indicates that sharing your goal is a big fat, no no! You can read a bunch on it in this article by Melissa Chu, but basically it takes away your internal motivation. So, keep those goals/plans close to your vest!
As you read above, weight loss was a 2019 goal, and I achieved it, but as for the others., I’m keeping those to myself. Not everything is meant to be shared! Now, go make your plans and drop me a line below and tell me what motivates you and how you set your goals!