Education, Autism, and ElderCare

Homeschooling – Yay, I didn’t ruin my kids…
The time we spend with our kids moves so quickly, but when you’re trying to remove gum from your dog’s fur it sure doesn’t seem that way, does it. It’s good to take a step back and see the results of pouring into our kids, whether your kids are in public school or not!

5 Items to Ban from Your Elderly Parent’s Home to Keep Them Safe
According to Senior Living approximately 47 million seniors live in the United States, and of those, only about 3.1 percent live in nursing homes. Wow! That’s a whole lot of seniors living alone. Good for them! Being independent is important for you and me, and doubly so for people over 65.
On Writing:

Author’s Interview
I started writing in high school, but put it on the back burner because I didn’t think I was smart enough. (Often, we stop doing our passion because of that inner voice knocking us around.) I picked writing back up after my kids started leaving the nest. I found I had a knack for it and actually regretted not doing it sooner. If I have any advice to give, it would be to don’t allow that inner voice tear you down, instead keep practicing and learning!

Book Tour: The Last Stored by Sonia Poynter
After the sudden death of her parents, making it through the day is a struggle for Amber Megan Peel. In the midst of her grief, an exquisite bird perches on her garden fence and shows her visions of a vivid landscape and a dark lord slouching upon a throne. She thinks the visions are tied to her sorrow. But when a boy flies through her kitchen window to tell her she’s the Last Stored, she wonders if she’s just lost her mind.

How to become an Authority as a Writer
I came across an article I penned at the start of my writing career, my first book was about to be published and I was just starting my platform. I was at the muddle through a phase, which I’m sure we never really get out of if we’re honest. What is the muddle through phase? It’s that time in your life where you really have no idea what you’re doing, but somehow you move forward and get your legs.

You’ve written a novel, what’s next?
Tips and tricks for getting your book into the right hands!

Meet Sonia Poynter
Us writers are constantly asking ourselves what if questions and observing details around us that others don’t necessarily notice or care about, but often we fall into our own heads, creating stories, characters, and worlds. We live in two places—one foot in reality, the other in our imagination.